forever fit

Ageless Strength

for Men and Women Over 50

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Are you tired of feeling weak, tired, and unable to keep up with your daily routine? Do you want to take control of your health and fitness and feel strong and empowered as you age?

Then this program is for you. As we age, it’s common to experience a decline in muscle mass, strength, and energy. This can lead to a wide range of health problems, including osteoporosis, arthritis, and heart disease. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right program and mindset, men and women over 50 can build and maintain strength, endurance, and vitality well into their golden years.


ForeverFit – Ageless Strength for Men and Women Over 50 is designed specifically for people who want to stay strong, healthy, and active as they age.

Our program is based on the latest research and techniques in strength training, nutrition, and mindset.

We understand that women and men over 50 have unique needs and challenges, and we have designed our program to address those needs and challenges.



Our program is focused on building functional strength, power and muscle mass that will help you perform everyday tasks with ease and confidence. You’ll learn how to use free weight and bodyweight exercises to build lean muscle and increase your overall strength and power.


We understand that cardiovascular health is essential for overall health and well-being. That’s why our program includes a variety of cardio exercises that will improve your endurance, increase your energy levels, and reduce your risk of heart disease


As we age, our balance and coordination can suffer, leading to an increased risk of falls and injuries. Our program includes exercises that will improve your balance and coordination, helping you stay safe and confident in your daily life.


We believe that nutrition and lifestyle are critical components of a healthy and happy life. That’s why we provide options for personalized coaching in this area to help you make healthy choices and stay on track with your goals.


We understand that staying motivated can be a challenge, especially as we age. That’s why our program includes mindset coaching to help you stay focused, positive, and motivated throughout your fitness journey.

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"By training with ForeverFit, I have overcome severe back issues, making it possible to fulfill my dream of backpacking 100 miles in the High Sierra Mountains with my son. ForeverFit has been phenomenal about personalization for my individual concerns and showing me the correct way to do various exercises. Their professional direction has given me flexibility, energy and confidence"




"I train with ForeverFit. I started with ForeverFit’s Coach Jen 8.5 years ago at the recommendation of my physical therapist. I’ve had chronic low back issues for years. I give credit to Jen’s attention to my challenges and the workouts she tailors to my situation. I’m happy to say I feel so much stronger and pain free. There is a wide variety of ages (and I’m on the upper end😜) but I’ve never felt anything less than encouragement and have really enjoyed the camaraderie of the people. After 8 years I’m still challenged every class and am maintaining strength and balance.”




“The coaches with ForeverFit are without a doubt the most professional and knowledgeable in Columbia. I have been training with ForeverFit for nearly five years and my mobility, strength and flexibility has improved beyond my expectations. Due to the confidence and hard work I have accomplished with ForeverFit, I have been able reach physical goals I never could of achieved on my own.”




"Before training with ForeverFit I “got through” life with knee and shoulder pain from previous injuries. After working out with Jen, I’m stronger and more fit than I ever imagined. I even skied with my kids and grandkids for the first time in 16 years this year, instead of sitting on the sidelines just watching! I do daily activities pain free because of my workouts. We all want to stay “young” but it’s only possible if we take care of ourselves. Jen with ForeverFit takes the time to personalize your workouts so you achieve your desired results.”



"Since I started training with Forever Fit: Ageless Strength at BIRD Strength & Fitness 7 months ago, I’ve lost over 40 pounds.  I feel better and more confident and I’m no longer afraid to take my shirt off at the beach.

 Before starting at BIRD I tried different things like running consistently in my 40’s and still only lost 15 pounds.  I was constantly going to the chiropractor and my right side (even though I’m right-handed) was weaker than my left.  Every time I worked out before I always ended up hurt or injured… 3 times I got stress fractures in my foot.

I have now trained at BIRD longer than I had stuck with anything previously and I’ve not only had no injuries, my right side has caught up with my left,  I no longer have all the aches and pains I had for years before… and my results are way better than any I previously achieved on my own!

The support I have received at BIRD has been awesome.  They’ve help me create a routine that works with my crazy work travel schedule and helped me find ways to stay on track when my gout has flared up.  Having a trainer who cares enough to ask me how my body is feeling each session and making the necessary adjustments has been a game changer.  No matter what, I always leave a session feeling better than when I came in.

Now I’m in my 50s, feeling like a new man (my boss didn’t even recognize me recently!)  and on track to be down to a weight I haven’t seen since my early 30s.”

If you’re ready to take control of your health and fitness, then it’s time to join the ForeverFit – Ageless Strength for Men and Women Over 50 program.

We offer personalized coaching, group support, and a proven program that will help you build strength, endurance, and vitality for life.

Don’t let age hold you back. Join our program today and start living your best life.

With our 30-day satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you and sign up for ForeverFit – Ageless Strength for Women and Men Over 50 today!

Limited Spots Available


We are so confident in our program that we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program within the first 30 days, we will give you a full refund. We stand behind our program and are committed to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals.

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Hi there, my name is Jenny and I’m the founder of ForeverFit – Ageless Strength for Women and Men Over 50. As a personal trainer with over 22 years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of strength training on people’s health and fitness. I’m passionate about helping men and women over 50 stay strong, healthy, and vibrant as they age, and I believe that fitness is the key to achieving that goal.

Over the years, I’ve worked with people of all ages and fitness levels, but I’ve found that individuals over 50 face unique challenges when it comes to strength training. That’s why I created ForeverFit – Ageless Strength for Women and Men Over 50, a program designed specifically to address those challenges and help people stay strong and healthy as they age.

My approach to fitness is holistic, focusing not just on exercise, but also on nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle. I believe that true health and wellness comes from a combination of these factors, and I’m committed to helping my clients achieve balance and harmony in all areas of their lives.

I’m excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you through ForeverFit – Ageless Strength for Men and Women Over 50. My team and I are dedicated to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals, and we look forward to supporting you on your journey to ageless strength and vitality.

Thank you for considering our program, and we hope to see you soon.


5053 S. Providence Road, Suite 101, Columbia, MO 65203


Give us a call

(573) 508-0755


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